Replies on: Casus Pro Diagnosi - Arisaema Identification Page

1. Arisaema spec.#3 (Send your reply, using the form)


2. unknown #6  (Send your reply, using the form)

3. Arisaema cf. concinnum  (Send your reply, using the form)


4. Arisaema cf. ternatipartitum (Send your reply, using the form)

5. unknown #2  (Send your reply, using the form)

6. Kunming   (Send your reply, using the form)

7. an other Kaichen Arisaema #6 (Send your reply, using the form)

8. Arisaema spec.#8  (Send your reply, using the form)

9. Arisaema Bhutan 2, and [3] (Send your reply, using the form)

10.  Arisaema Du-bois-reymondiae

11. Arisaema erubescens = Chen Yi A-37, from Sue Zunino (Send your reply, using the form)

Please use the form  for your reply, thanks E.J.Gouda