Arisaema-L is not moderated (so far), so to keep it attractive for all members, be sure only to send messages that are relavant (in general) to the list. Also when you reply to a message think first 1) is this of general interest or 2) for the original sender only? Check where the mail is going to (to: field)! Please make good use of the subject field, to describe where the message is about.
The list may not be used for:
- commercial activities (advertising)
- personal conversation that is of no interest to other members
- conversations that have nothing to do with Arisaema (hardy Aroids) or growing plants
- replying to other messages without removing irrelevant text (digest messages will become difficult to read)
Replying to messages - Important (NETIQUETTE)
- When replying to messages, please removing irrelevant text from the original message(s) repeated under your reply - if you do not, digest messages will become very difficult to read and you will inconvenience readers of your message with unnecessary repeated text
- Some mail services do allow you to reject messages from certain email addresses. If these addresses are from members of this list that are regular contributors, do not use this feature, because we are getting an error message for each rejection. Just use the DEL key instead.
Arisaema-L list functions
- Subscribe to this list
- Change your settings or unsubscribe (you may enter more email addresses and put them to NOMAIL, so you can post from different addresses, but get the messages posted only on one address)
- View or search the Archives ordered by month (April 2002 up till now, see history below)
Last modified: aug 2022 by E.J.Gouda