Replies on: Casus Pro Diagnosi - Arisaema Identification Page
10. Arisaema Du-bois-reymondiae = Chen Yi A-24, from
Sue Zunino (Send your reply, using the form)
- Sue Zunino photo -1: though a bit blured in this photo, you can see that the
spathe is white at it's base with no purple coloring. You can also see the black lines in
the leaflets a bit better; photo -2: This photo shows
the petiole/inflorescense sheath very well, and the height of the inflorensence above the
leaf; photo -3: Emergence of the infloresence before the
leaf, and beautiful sheath. Striped spathe to it's base at this point. No purple; photo -4: Leaf display and color pattern. There are black lines
on the leaves not readily visible in the photo. In this photo, you can see the other A-24
plant not as advanced, or mature at the spathe's tip. There were two corms (are these
bulbs,corms or tubers?) and both were planted one next to the other directly from the bag
that they were sent in; photo -5: two tubers.
- George R Stilwell (25 May 1999): Chen Yi A-24: This plant has been identified as A.
engleri by Tont Avent, Guy Gusman, and Wilbert Hetterscheid. There is some discussion over
Wilbert's belief that A. bockii and A. engleri are identical. However, I believe that A.
bockii is insufficiently described and should
not be used as an Arisaema name.
Wilbert's fully detailed pictures of both the green and the purple forms appear in Roy's
Arisaema page.
- Brent Hine ( 22-5-2003): Our garden is growing A.
du-bois-reymondiae, from a respectable source, and it looks very different from these
pics. Our has a 3-leafed structure, and the flower is large, green and located under
the leaves. It is blooming now, mid-May, in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Eric Gouda (22-5-2003): Leaves must be pedate of 7-11 leaflets, so the picture on the
identification page could be this species.
To see the picture full size, click on it (it has been loaded already when visible on
this page).
Please use the form for your reply, thanks E.J.Gouda