Replies on: Casus Pro Diagnosi - Arisaema Identification Page
12. Arisaema cf. engleri (Send
your reply, using the form)
- I would like to ask you for a kind assistance in
identifying the attached picture of Arisaema, that came this winter from Chen Yi as A 77 A.
aridum, which it is not. My tentative tip would be Arisaema
engleri, but pictures of it avaiable on the internet are only close to such
appearance, not exactly the same. I would appreciate very much your comments to this
picture and advice where to send some other forthcoming pictures of Chen Yi plants for
discussion and clarification.
- From: Guy Gusman (
- Name: Bonaventure W. Magrys (This looked much like the A-28 listed as
sikokianum var serratum (serratum) that I bloomed, including the white appendege. I can't
tell from the picture the leaves, but do the reach 5-part division with serrated margins?
To see the picture full size, click on it (it has been loaded already when visible on
this page).
Please use the form for your reply, thanks E.J.Gouda