Replies on: Casus Pro Diagnosi - Arisaema Identification Page
14. Arisaema cf. ciliatum from Yunnan
- From: Diane Clement
(Date: 3 Jun 2001): ACE 2408 Arisaema, Yunnan, Lijiang, Yulong Shan, above Xi Song (Snow
Pine Village). 27° 00' 79"N 100°12'73"E 2885m. Damp meadows on
banks. In seed only - leaves narrow 15+. 22-Oct-94
Here is my description : Plant is 30 cm tall from ground to top of leaf. Top of hood
is 15cm from ground. The leaf is held horizontally and comprises 11 leaflets
arranged symmetrically around the centre. Each leaflet is 16 cm long with the last 4
cm hanging down in a tail. The leaflets are lanceolate, slightly broader towards the
tip. The petiole is pale yellowy green, streaked with maroon. The hood is a similar
pale yellowy green, the veins striped maroon. The hood hangs down and has a tail of
12 cm, so the spathe is not seen without lifting the hood. The spathe is yellowy
Picture 1 shows whole plant. Pic 2 shows hood being lifted to show inside (sorry,
this was back lit, it's not so red as it appears, the hood colours are identical to the
petiole colours which are more true). Pic 3 shows sideways view. Pic 4 shows
top view of leaf.
- WAIT!!!!
I now see on the ID page that this is from YUNNAN!!!!????? Please, Roy, are you certain
there's no label mix-up????? This thing looks SO much like taiwanense, that without the
locality information, I jumped right to the name. Now things look a bit suspicious. On the
other hand, who knows for sure that taiwanense could not live on the continent as
well........ Still, I feel that a label mix-up may have happened here..... Am I being a
bad boy now?
- Name: Guy Gusman
A. taiwanense
- From: Jim McClements To me this plant bears a superficial resemblance to A. taiwanense. The
foliage and shape/position of the inflorescense are similar, altough the color and site of
origin obviously don't fit. It certainly doesn't resemble any A.ciliatum that I've seen.
- From: Bonaventure Magrys <magrysbo@SHU.EDU> To me it more resembles an A.
taiwanense (sorry, couldn't use the reply form).
- From: Anne Chambers
Agreed! - it seems very like taiwanense to me. It would
be interesting to see a detail of the tip of the spadix appendage.
- Harry Ronken This plant looks like a ringer
for the A.taiwanense I bought from Heronswood Nursery cloectin no. BSWJ1879. All features
are identical but for the lack of the very long (2"/5cm+ ) driptips on my plant's
- Name: Diane Clement
(Date: 6/13/01) Thanks to all who have sent personal and private correspondance on my
mystery arisaema. It certainly seems to be A taiwanense so is definitely not an ACE
collected plant. I now need to try and trace who I bought it from and inform them of
the mixed up labels.
To see the picture full size, click on it (it has been loaded already when visible on
this page).
Please use the form for your reply, thanks E.J.Gouda