Replies on: Casus Pro Diagnosi - Arisaema Identification Page
16. Arisaema cf. asperatum from
Kaichen A-10
- Here are several
photos (as a zipped file) of an Arisaema received from Chen Yi in October 2002 as A-10.
Could you please pick those you think are best for identifying this Arisaema and post them
on your ID page?
- Eric Gouda Arisaema asperatum (Wilbert?)
- Wilbert Hetterscheid (Date: 9-5-03): This indeed is part
of the asperatum-alliance, if not tha species itself or more the form we know as A.
wilsonii. This group is a bit of a blur so any definitive solution to species limits has
not been presented yet. But if you label it as Arisaema cf. asperatum (meaning
"likely to be" asperatum) then you're doing the right thing.
To see the picture full size, click on it (it has been loaded already when visible on
this page).
Please use the form for your reply, thanks E.J.Gouda