Replies on: Casus Pro Diagnosi - Arisaema Identification Page

16. Arisaema cf. asperatum from Kaichen A-10

a-10-2-0410.jpg (20651 bytes) a-10-0412.jpg (25096 bytes) a-10-0417.jpg (37049 bytes)
a-10-3-0412.jpg (23287 bytes) a-10-2-0412.jpg (29186 bytes) a-10-2-0417.jpg (23990 bytes)

a-10-5-0417.jpg (36469 bytes)

a-10-3-0417.jpg (23761 bytes)

To see the picture full size, click on it (it has been loaded already when visible on this page).

Please use the form  for your reply, thanks E.J.Gouda