Group (AEG)
Replies on: Casus Pro Diagnosi - Arisaema Identification Page
19. Kaichen Nurseries last year (2003) as species (1) A-06
- Bonaventure Magrys
- Eric Gouda
- Guy Gusman (22-5-04):
It is certainly not A. speciosum and looks like A. elephas, as you
We got the same plant A-02 from Chen Yi in 1998 and it was indeed A.
The spadix appendage is S-shaped and upturned when at the opening of the
spathe, later it becomes downcurved. The species closest to elephas is
wilsonii, which is bigger, emerges c. two months earlier and has a
stipitate spadix, crenate at the base. The spadix of elephas is
subsessile, just a little constricted.
To see the picture full size, click on it (it has been loaded already when visible on
this page).
Please use the form for your reply, thanks E.J.Gouda