Group (AEG)
Replies on: Casus Pro Diagnosi - Arisaema Identification Page
22. Arisaema from Potterton & Martin
- From: "Thorkild Poulsen" <guth@webspeed.dk>
(Date: : Hello Eric
I have looked at the Arisaema-identifylist, and think that maybe I
can get some help to identify an Arisaema which I got from Potterton
& Martin som yers ago. I got it as a grifitthii, which I doubt about
is right. The inflorescence is above the leaves. It's about 50 cm
Best wishes
Gunhild Poulsen
- From Eric Gouda (Date: :
Very nice specimen! I would say Arisaema
propinguum, but I'm sure Guy Gusman will correct me if I'm
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